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What is a spiritual concept? This is such a broad term that it can encompass various angles and belief systems. The term itself does not have to be used if it does not vibe with you, it is not an inherent term. It can be worded in a way which suits each individual’s beliefs or ideas. Let us take self-awareness, for instance. Whether or not you believe in a Higher Power, we can all pretty much agree that increasing self-awareness has multiple benefits such as deeper insights, more empowerment, a greater sense of purpose, and so on. This is something most of us would like to experience more, regardless of beliefs. The more self-aware you are, the higher intuition you develop.

Goodwill is another example of a concept based on spiritual principles. We can all see the benefits of spreading goodwill because it makes us feel good. And feeling good, happy, content, peaceful, and loving is something we all like to feel. When we help others in need or help them through any challenges or struggles, we feel good about ourselves and feel like we made a difference in the life of another. Again, one does not have to believe in a Higher Power to experience the gifts of goodwill.

Love is yet another example that people of all walks of life can benefit from. This is not referring to romantic love, although it can be including, but a self love which extends to others. When you truly love and accept yourself, your life becomes magical. You enjoy things much more without being attached to particular outcomes. If something does not go the way you thought it should have, you are still centered and grounded in the love. You are much more flexible and see your challenges as opportunities for growth. Perhaps something else is around the corner that will work out better for you. Having a more loving, optimistic state of mind helps you to see opportunities more clearly which would be most beneficial for yourself and all involved. Also, when you love yourself, you are kinder and gentler to others because it’s a reflection of how you feel inside.

These are a few of the dimensions that are a vital part of mental wellness. It is a matter of having the heart and mind work together as one force, this is where miracles occur. Although it has been improving over the years, the standard care of mental health dominates the focus of the mind over the heart, when it should be the other way around. For when one is truly centered in the heart, the mind works in ways conducive to heart centered ideas and actions.